Dr. Mark A. Bauer Memorial Fund

$3,410 raised

23% of $15,000 Goal.

0 days left.

26 donors

Project ended on November 07, 2023
Project Champion (s)

Who We Are

The Dr. Mark A. Bauer Memorial Fund was started and spearheaded by Dr. Bauer’s family and the Department of Medical Engineering to honor and continue his memory.

What We Do

The desire to be a biomedical engineer can be dated back to Dr. Bauer’s early high school days when in English class he had to write his personal biography. In his chapter titled “The Future”, he wrote about his desire and interest to pursue that area of study. He was awarded his doctorate in biomedical engineering from the University of South Florida in December 2022. Unfortunately, due to a serious illness, Dr. Bauer passed away shortly after graduation.

During his time at USF, Dr. Bauer made a lasting impression by performing research at a high level, achieving excellent grades, and being an all-around incredible human being. During his academic career, he authored and co-authored numerous publications, was a member of the Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society, and in 2022 received the OneUSF Award for Excellence in Mentorship.

Dr. Bauer was focused on his studies but knew the importance of bringing people together by organizing luncheons and planning events. He would liven up a room by showing up to a presentation in a banana costume. Outside of academics, Dr. Bauer was known as a proud New York Yankees fan, an incredible musician and a light to everyone that crossed paths with him.

The goal is to have this fund reach an endowment level, of $25,000 so that Dr. Mark A. Bauer’s legacy will continue for years to come.

Your Impact

With your gift of any size, you are continuing the impact Dr. Mark A. Bauer had in the Department of Medical Engineering at USF by supporting current and future students.

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site or complete this payroll deduction form (enter fund #220168Dr. Mark A. Bauer Memorial Fund ) and email it to fscampaign@usf.edu.

What Your Generosity Will Do

This project is one great step in getting the Dr. Mark A. Bauer Memorial Fund to reach the endowment level. This fund is a small way of honoring Dr. Bauer in the Department of Medical Engineering at USF in perpetuity.


Thank you for your contribution to the Dr. Mark A. Bauer Memorial Fund and for continuing his legacy.

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Join me in continuing the legacy of Dr. Mark A. Bauer by supporting our current and future Medical Engineering students at usf.to/engdrbauer. Your gift, no matter the size, makes a difference! Thank you and Go Bulls! 🀘

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Total Donors in FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24