2024 This Is My Brave: College Edition at USF

4 donors

16% of 25 Goal.

0 days left.

$1,575 raised

Project ended on March 31, 2024
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Who We Are

Adapted from a nationwide phenomenon kickstarted in 2013, "This Is My Brave” was introduced to our university and students with its initial production in 2022. “This Is My Brave: College Edition” offers the spotlight to USF students bravely sharing what is it like to overcome mental health and substance use challenges.

What We Do

The mission of “This Is My Brave” is to empower individuals to put their names and faces on their true stories of recovery from mental illness and addiction. The production gives student storytellers the opportunity to share a creative piece, live onstage, about their lived experience with mental health and/or addiction. By openly talking about these topics, participants are actively breaking down the stigma surrounding them.
“One of the major ways that stigma influences people who are experiencing mental illness is that it prevents them from getting help,” explains Dr. Kristin Kosyluk, assistant professor in the Department of Mental Health Law and Policy. “On average, people go about 10 years from the onset of symptoms until they actually seek treatment. A lot can happen during those 10 years, including increased rates of hospitalization, substance use, social isolation, poorer academic performance and increased risk for suicide.”

Your Impact

The inaugural production of “This Is My Brave: College Edition at USF” launched in spring 2022 with 10 students sharing their personal journeys via poetry, comedy, dance and storytelling. It was an incredibly empowering event for our 350 audience members, as well as those on stage, as we laughed, cried and cheered listening to these young people's odysseys through anxiety, racial injustice, depression and more. As we launch this production for the third year, it is our goal to reach more students and community members who may be grappling with challenges in their lives with these stories of struggle and hope.

What Your Generosity Will Do

Through this initiative, USF students will share their stories of recovery from mental illness and addiction via a live performance with the community. After all production expenses are paid, the remaining proceeds will go toward a fund within the USF Foundation that supports improving the lives of those living with mental health conditions.

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site, or complete this payroll deduction form (fund #530076, This is My Brave Production Fund) and email it to fscampaign@usf.edu.

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Join me to spread love and save lives at usf.to/mybrave. A contribution of any size matters. Thank you and Go Bulls!

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FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


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