
The USF Foundation Scholarship Office serves as a resource to USF Foundation scholarship fund administrators. Training is provided to fund administrators across USF to create consistency in awarding and donor experience throughout USF. Customized training sessions are created to answer questions and address concerns related to a college or unit’s specific scholarship funds. The Foundation Scholarship Office strives to provide the resources necessary to effectively award scholarships in your area, including developing, recommending and implementing new scholarship awarding polices to maintain compliance with the USF Foundation’s policies.

The USF Foundation Scholarship Office collaborates with development officers to create awardable and allowable scholarship criteria for new gift agreements. Communication between the awarding unit and the development officer is encouraged and can be facilitated to understand the scholarship awarding timeline. The Foundation Scholarship Office collaborates with college and units and/or suggests initiatives to steward the scholarship donors across USF.

The Foundation Scholarship Office Team

Kristi Laribee

Kristi Laribee

Kathryn Swisher

Kathryn Swisher
Scholarship & Stewardship Officer

Brandi Spencer

Brandi Spencer
Scholarship & Stewardship Officer

Yasmine Cabrera

Yasmine Cabrera
Scholarship Officer, College of Arts and Sciences

Patricia Kerney

Patricia Kerney
Scholarship Coordinator,
Muma College of Business
813- 974-1046

Main Menu

Who to Contact

Important Links

Timeline Overview

Scholarship Administration

Administration & Stewardship Toolkit

Resources for Development Officers and University Advancement Staff



Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total Donors in FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24