Support Student Textbook Affordability at USFSP

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Project ended on April 10, 2020
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The Challenge

The cost of textbooks has been rising exponentially, putting an ever-greater financial burden on students as they pursue a college degree. Sometimes the cost of materials can be so prohibitive it can influence a student’s course choices or even force them to drop out of a class.

Who We Are

Spearheaded by staff at the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, USF St. Petersburg (USFSP) launched a textbook affordability initiative to reduce the cost of materials for students. This initiative combines textbooks on reserve, e-textbooks and promoting affordable options to faculty so they can select course materials that sustain academic rigor while lowering costs to students. Launched in 2017, the initiative has already saved USFSP students an estimated $528,495 in 2018-19. 

What Your Gifts Will Do

The funds raised for the textbook affordability initiative will be used to purchase e-books required in USFSP courses, as well as textbooks for our Textbook on Reserve Collection. All funds received will support USF St. Petersburg students who can’t afford to purchase their course materials.

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Textbook Assistance

One student will need an average of nine textbooks per year. Over the course of four years in college, that can equal up to 36 textbooks.

Gold Bull

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Rocky's Herd

Be a leader with a gift of $100 on Rocky's birthday.

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Total First Time Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total Donors in FY24