Supporting the SunDolls on the Road to Nationals

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$0 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2020
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The Project


Over the course of 40-plus years, the USF SunDolls have not only entertained and raised spirit during USF community and sporting events, but the team has also positively impacted the lives of its members, young dancers and USF fans all throughout the greater Tampa Bay area. While each member is required to fundraise throughout the season for team camps and competition, even our best efforts do not always meet our budgetary needs. 


With your gift, we can put our best foot forward on our journey to NDA Nationals as we strive to bring home the first-ever NDA national title for USF! 


The USF SunDolls are the premier dance team of USF. The primary objective of the SunDolls is to support intercollegiate athletics at the university while maintaining or exceeding ambitious academic requirements and remaining active members of both the community and the university. 

In order to achieve that goal, all members participate in weekly workouts and practices, all home football games, men's and women's basketball games and travel tournaments as well as appearances, fundraising/community events and both NDA Summer Camp and NDA College Nationals. 

Spread the word

We are counting on your help!  Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign by clicking on the social media tools at the top of the page. Thank you for supporting our journey on the road to Nationals! 

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Green Bull

Show your Bull pride. Together we make a difference.

Our Journey

Help us on our journey to the 2020 NDA Nationals.

Gold Bull

Help unlock our unlimited potential.

40 Years

Celebrate our 40-plus years of SunDoll spirit with your gift.

Rocky's Herd

Be a leader with a gift $100 on Rocky's birthday.

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FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24