New Tubas for the USF Herd of Thunder

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0% of 50 Goal.

0 days left.

$0 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2020
Project Champion (s)

Who We Are

The USF Bands are comprised of the Herd of Thunder Marching Band, Pep Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Concert Bands. We serve over 600 USF students yearly, and reach thousands of people at USF football games and concert performances.  

The Herd of Thunder is the largest spirit group for the University of South Florida. College bands are vital in creating the atmosphere at athletic events, around campus and throughout the community. The USF Band program serves music majors and non-music majors alike, with enthusiastic support from the university and Tampa communities.

The Project

The Herd of Thunder Marching Band is launching a campaign to purchase 34 new tubas! Our tubas are between 10 and 20 years old, while the typical shelf life of a tuba is about eight years. With each instrument costing about $7,000, this is a tremendous undertaking — but you can help! 

Your gift today will help us raise the funds to provide our hardworking students with the proper equipment. 

Spread The Word

Most every person loves music!  Please share your support of this campaign by using the social media tools at the top of the page and help keep all of the USF Bands thriving!  Your support means that we can continue providing the best possible experiences for students and audiences, and we are very appreciative of your gift! Go Bulls!

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Rocky's Herd

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Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment