Help OLLI Find Its Center

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Project ended on April 10, 2020
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The Project

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at USF (OLLI-USF) ofers classes that are scattered over as many as 30 locations each term. These locations vary widely in parking, seating, access to amplification equipment and internet access. 

Reducing the number of class locations would allow us the flexibility and control to start to address these issues. We remain committed to holding classes throughout our service area, and our dream is to open several USF OLLI centers in Hillsborough county. 

Who WE Are

OLLI-USF is a member-based learning community of adults age 50+. We offer courses, workshops, lectures, events and social networking. We provide high-quality, low-cost learning opportunities for thousands of Tampa-area seasoned adults.

Our mission is to provide intellectual stimulation, social interaction, service opportunities and outreach to the university and greater community. It is our vision to be a world-class learning community, accessible to and meeting the needs of a diverse and growing population of older adults.

There are no grades, no tests and no pressure in OLLI. We welcome every adult learner regardless of previous college experience.

The Impact 

As an organization that values learning in the community, we seek to make education easier by developing locations that are accessible, familiar and inviting. 

This winter/spring term, we celebrated establishing our first OLLI Center at Unity North Tampa. By opening more Centers, we have the ability to serve different areas in the county and extend our outreach. 

Your gift today will help us secure future Centers. Thank you! 

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Building Community

Your gift of $250 will pay for one week at a potential OLLI Center.

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Total Donors in FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment