Guardians of the Gulf

Guardians of the Gulf

39 donors

130% of 30 Goal.

0 days left.

$1,046 raised

Project ended on April 05, 2019
Project Champion (s)

The Project

Florida is ground zero for multiple environmental threats. Hurricane Michael surprised us with his brute force; the red tide that started in 2017 continues to plague our cherished coastline; frequent "sunny day flooding" routinely occurs in several Florida communities - even resulting in the death stare of an octopus finding itself on a parking lot in Miami; and historic oil spills such as the Deepwater Horizon blowout are killing off our fish now, nearly ten years later. The USF College of Marine Science has been leading many research efforts in response to these threats for decades. Our vision is to grow into a center of excellence in coastal resiliency that serves the entire state so that we can continue to face the challenges at hand with understanding and action backed by science. What's more, we know it's critical that in addition to this research powerhouse, we need a cutting-edge communication operation so that we keep you informed every step of the way.

Who We Are

The USF College of Marine Science is proud of its over 50-year legacy of ocean science research that matters - to you, to our communities and to the world. We are one of the top ten marine science programs in the country and have an established legacy of building education and outreach programs that ensure our science is shared with K-12 students, teachers and communities. We empower the next generation with the tools they need to be informed ocean stewards.

The Impact

Our center of research excellence and state-of-the-art communication lab would leverage the latest technologies that will bridge the gap between science and society - ensuring Florida community members are active participants in the dialogue about environmental change. This is an "all hands on deck" effort, and we need to push the boundaries of traditional communication schemes to meaningfully engage with our community audiences who are directly impacted by these threats. Through this center, you will physically be able to see what the sea level rise projections mean for your neighborhood market or school or ... even your home.

What Your gift Will Do

We currently have four underwater gliders, and we need more to work toward achieving the vision outlined above. Your gift will help us work toward our goal of purchasing an additional underwater glider and sensors that give us the robotic "eyes and ears" we need to ultimately safeguard your homes and your seafood supply so we can ensure a sustainable, vibrant future for the Florida we all call home. 

Thank You

Thanks for your support! We're deeply grateful for any contribution you can make. In doing so, you are a cherished part of the USF College of Marine Science community - one that celebrates an over 50-year history of success in building productive partnerships and programs that make Tampa Bay and the world a better place.

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Endowment Assets Through FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Total First Time Donors in FY24