Beautification and Education: Support the USF Botanical Gardens

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0% of 25 Goal.

0 days left.

$0 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2020
Project Champion (s)

Who WE Are 

The USF Botanical Gardens is part of the College of Arts and Sciences on the USF Tampa campus. The 16-acre gardens and greenbelt maintain a living collection of more than 3,000 plants, animals and natural habitats. 

Attracting more than 35,000 visitors annually, the gardens serve as an important community resource. Plant festivals, bee keeping classes and other events, attract enthusiasts from around the state to shop for rare and unusual plants. The Botanical Gardens house ongoing research in medical botany, environmental science and sustainability, and provide opportunities for service-learning to USF students. 

the impact

In order to continue our mission to educate people about the importance of botany and the environment through living plant collections, resources and research, we need your help! With your gift of any size, we can continue providing a beautiful green oasis for all guests to enjoy and grow our education courses and resources. 

Your gift today will help grow the Gardens' programs of education and horticulture, ensuring that these programs continue to benefit the community.

Spread the word

We are counting on your help!  Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign by clicking on the social media tools at the top of the page.

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Choose a giving level

Green Bull

Show your Bull pride. Together we make a difference.

Green Oasis

Representing the 16 acres of land that the USF Botanical Gardens covers, your gift will support new educational classes for the community and purchase equipment for maintenance and beautification of the grounds.

Our New Era

Celebrate Rocky's birthday with a gift that propels USF into the New Era.

Silver Bull

Help unlock our unlimited potential.

Gold Bull

Make your golden impact in celebration of Rocky's birthday.

Rocky's Herd

Be a leader with a gift of $100 on Rocky's birthday.

Choose an amount

Gifts of any size make an impact! Enter your custom gift amount.


Total Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Endowment Assets Through FY24