Kathleen M. Heide Criminology Scholarship

$6,150 raised

123% of $5,000 Goal.

0 days left.

30 donors

Project ended on July 20, 2024
Project Champion (s)

Who We Are

The USF College of Behavioral and Community Sciences (CBCS) advances knowledge through interdisciplinary teaching, research and service that improves the capacity of individuals, families and diverse communities to promote productive, satisfying, healthy and safe lives. Our alumni serve the community in many roles, including mental health counselors, social workers, behavioral health-care practitioners, first responders, long-term care administrators, and speech and language professionals.

What We Do

The Department of Criminology, within CBCS, is a nationally ranked program. Its members are well-respected researchers who have contributed to studying macro- and micro-level models of criminal behavior, victimology, race, violence, juvenile justice, corrections, and radical and green criminology.

Your Impact

Distinguished USF Professor Kathleen Heide is one of the nation's leading scholars in the field of criminology. She has been recognized with six awards for teaching excellence, including USF's prestigious Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award. She has served the local community and the state of Florida for many decades as an extraordinary teacher, scholar and professional service provider. 


She has taught thousands of students and worked with and for nearly all the criminal justice and mental health agencies in the greater Tampa Bay area. To honor her 40-plus years of service at USF, we have established the Professor Kathleen M. Heide Criminology Scholarship, with the goal of the scholarship becoming an endowed scholarship to continue her legacy and service to the community in perpetuity. 

What Your Generosity Will Do

The Kathleen M. Heide Scholarship aims to empower deserving students who are passionate about unraveling the complexities of crime, justice and society. Your gift of any size will support criminology students with scholarships and help alleviate the financial burdens they may face.

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site or complete this payroll deduction form (enter fund #530083 Professor Kathleen M. Heide Criminology Scholarship) and email it to fscampaign@usf.edu.

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Join me in supporting deserving criminology students at USF with a gift to the Kathleen M. Heide Criminology Scholarship! With over 40 years of service to USF and our community, Professor Heide's legacy continues by supporting others.

Make a gift: usf.to/HeideScholarship

Thank you and go Bulls! 

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Total First Time Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment