Achieving All Things - Accessibility Scholarship

3 donors

12% of 25 Goal.

0 days left.

$120 raised

Project ended on April 14, 2024
Project Owner (s)

Who We Are

One in five Americans has a disability. You may know someone with an autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit disorder or a learning disability. Perhaps someone you know is deaf, has a visual impairment or requires a mobility device. What if to honor the person you know, you could help a differently abled student achieve their dream of a college education?  

The Accessibility Scholarship at USF is available to students with visual, hearing, speech, orthopedic, neurological, mental and learning disabilities. Your generous donation will help these exceptional students become future leaders, innovators and role models.  

What We Do

They are a little-known, often unseen population at the University of South Florida — a group of dedicated and determined students who quietly tackle daily challenges most of us will never know. These courageous Bulls are diligently pursuing successful academic paths while managing their disabilities — epilepsy, autism, cerebral palsy and myriad other conditions. These students typically incur expenses above and beyond classmates without disabilities. 

Without financial assistance, many of them would not be able to pursue their career ambitions at USF, let alone achieve their occupational dreams. Each student awarded this scholarship will receive a top-tier education specialized for their needs and encouragement that lasts a lifetime. The goal is to provide a matching opportunity each year to increase the number of recipients.

Your Impact

Differently abled students often have costs others do not. The financial burden of doctors' visits, hospitalizations and equipment to make everyday life accessible can leave students struggling to pay for tuition and books. The USF Accessibility Scholarship helps alleviate this burden. By donating to this scholarship, you will make a significant impact on a student’s life. You can help a differently abled student achieve a college degree, which helps others see past disabilities to a person’s true potential. Our scholarship recipients pursue degrees across all majors, including STEM, business, health and education, often advancing to successful careers or graduate degrees.  

The Johnson Scholarship Foundation will make a matching gift to the USF Accessibility Scholarship of up to $24,600. 

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site, or complete this payroll deduction form (enter fund #660051, USF Accessibility Scholarship Fund) and email it to

What Your Generosity Will Do

Your gift of any size will provide scholarships so that USF students with disabilities can obtain the resources they need to succeed.  It will help allay feelings of apprehension and uneasiness, and help ensure these students have a positive college experience. Their journey starts here and continues beyond USF, thanks to YOU! 

Spread the Word

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Join me in making an impact and supporting our students with disabilities at with a gift of any size. Thank you and go Bulls!

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Endowment Assets Through FY23


Total Donors in FY23


FY 2022-23 Total Commitment