Judy Genshaft Honors College Atrium



Guests are welcomed with a five-story view of the heart of the building as soon as they enter the breathtaking atrium. From here they will see the bustling activity on each floor, and have a direct line of sight into the large event space. The atrium will be home to a reception area, a large video wall, and space for special events such as Honors graduation, convocation, receptions and other celebrations.

Judy Genshaft Honors College Café



Students, faculty, staff and guests will all enjoy the ground floor indoor/outdoor café. Conversation and collaboration will always be on the menu, as guests can choose to sit tucked in a comfortable seating area inside, or in the beautiful outdoor dining space.

Atrium $5,000,000
Café $3,000,000
Piazza $2,000,000
(Covered Terrace)  
Student Leadership Center $1,000,000
The Forum $1,000,000
(Event Space)  
Amphitheater $1,000,000
(External Tiered Staircase)  
Food and Culture Studio $500,000
Innovation Exchanges $250,000
(Student Lounges)  
Café Art Mural $150,000
Multi-Purpose Room $150,000
Provost Scholars Suite $150,000
Smart Classrooms $25,000
2 Available  
8 Reserved  
Learning Lofts $10,000
22 Available  
17 Reserved  

Additional Naming Opportunities
Arboretum $1,000,000
Art and Design Studio $500,000
Collaboration Corner $500,000
Digital Workshop $500,000
Public Art Garden $500,000
Academic Advising Suite $250,000
Dean’s Conference Room $250,000
Faculty Suite $250,000
Illuminated Architectural Staircase $250,000
Music Studio $250,000
Sound Studio $250,000
Technology Studio $250,000
Office of National Scholarships Suite $250,000
Academic Conference Room $100,000
Media Lab $100,000
Quiet Study Room $100,000
Technology Support Suite $100,000
The Commons  
Reserved $50,000
Student Terrace $50,000
Dean’s Suite Offices $25,000
Advising Offices $15,000
Faculty Offices $15,000
ONS Offices $15,000


Please contact Judy Kane at jkane@usf.edu or 813-974-1246 for more information about naming opportunities in the new building, including an exciting opportunity to move up a naming level thanks to a generous Challenge Grant from an anonymous foundation.


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total Donors in FY24