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WLP Symposium Awards

The WLP Symposium Award program honors visionary leaders and philanthropists throughout the community doing extraordinary things to make Tampa Bay a better place for women to live and work.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is given annually to an individual whose career has greatly contributed to the advancement or promotion of women. With the Lifetime Achievement Award, we showcase individual excellence in leadership as demonstrated by outstanding initiative, impact of work and inspiration to others. We publicly affirm present achievements, seek to encourage further work on the part of the recipients and hope to motivate others to follow their lead in service to the Tampa Bay communities.

With the Community Leadership Award, we showcase individual excellence in leadership as demonstrated by outstanding initiative, impact of work and inspiration to others. We publicly affirm present achievements, seek to encourage further work on the part of the recipients and hope to motivate others to follow their lead in service to the Tampa Bay community.

The recipients are recognized at WLP's Annual Symposium.

Eligibility Requirements and Selection Criteria:

  • The recipient exemplifies the spirit of USF WLP as demonstrated by her commitment to community-based leadership in both professional and volunteer capacities.
  • WLP members and non-members are eligible to receive the award.
  • Individuals who live and work in the counties surrounding each campus of the University of South Florida are eligible for nomination. Nominations for emerging and innovative leadership, as well as long-standing accomplishments, are encouraged.
  • Only individuals are eligible for nomination.
  • USF Foundation employees are not eligible.
  • Previous WLP Symposium Award recipients are not eligible.

Nomination and Selection Process:

  • Nomination form must be submitted to WLP at WLP@usf.edu by Monday, Feb. 14, 2025. (Additional support materials may be included, but not required).
  • Only completed nomination forms will be considered.
  • Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Nominations are reviewed and vetted by the WLP Symposium Awards Committee.

Recipient must be present at the WLP Fall Symposium to accept the award.

If you have questions, please contact us at WLP@usf.edu or 813-974-9894.

Click here to submit a nomination

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