Executive ComitteeFaculty Excellence AwardsMentorshipScholarshipsStudent CouncilWLP Symposium


What is the WLP Student Council?

The WLP Student Council is a leadership program for college women who build relationships and lead campus events. The WLP Student Council’s main responsibility is to help plan and implement the WLP Student Summit.

The WLP Student Council unites college students from across the USF System to represent the voices of students, build relationships and develop leadership skills that will position them for future success.

Interested in joining or want more information? Send a message to wlp@usf.edu

WLP Student Summit

Friday, March 7
9:30 a.m.


The WLP Student Summit is a student-led half-day event designed for students to network with members of the Tampa Bay community and to hear professionals from various fields tell their stories about navigating the paths to their success.

Through the collaboration required to organize a philanthropic event, we aim for students to engage in a dynamic and immersive learning experience that extends beyond traditional classroom settings. Students learn the fundamentals of project management, including setting goals, creating timelines, and managing resources.

The event is free to all USF students. WLP Members are invited to purchase tickets and tables.

Student Council Members

Genevieve Carcano

Genevieve Carcano

Jenna Epright

Jenna Epright
Political Science

Devanshi Pande

Devanshi Pande
Computer Science

Lavanya Pande

Lavanya Pande
Computer Science

Necol Polynice

Necol Polynice

Diana Garcia-Ramos

Diana Garcia Ramos
Public Health

Naydeli Laffita Serrano

Naydeli Laffita Serrano
Chemical Engineering

Kira Simms

Kira Simms
Computer Science

Dashnide Villarson

Dashnide Villarson
Health Science

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WLP Home Page


Total Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24