Pam and Les Muma



Dec. 1, 2011

USF Alumni and philanthropists, Pam and Les Muma have played an integral role in advancing the USF: Unstoppable Campaign through their commitment of time talent and treasure to their alma mater. Both have contributed countless hours as volunteers and donated millions of dollars to the university because they believe that USF is the “right place, doing the right things at the right time.”

“The University of South Florida gave us the background to get to where we are personally and professionally. Giving back to USF is natural to us. Our support of Athletics, USF Health and Business is every bit of rewarding as we expected it to be. But we also give back because it’s the right thing to do and it feels right.

“This campaign will take the university to that next level. It will point us in the direction of the AAU (Association of American Universities) and put us on track to reach the goals that this great administration has put forth. … You look at this group of people who fill the pages of this annual report and they are a living example of the fact that if we are successful in life, we have a moral obligation to give back. USF is a family. And if you give something to it, you are part of that family and it gives so much back in return.” – Les Muma, who served as Chair of the USF: Unstoppable campaign during its first phase.

“The fact that USF has fundraised more than $700 million toward this campaign is nothing shy of spectacular. It also says a lot about the alumni and friends who are investing in USF.” – Pam Muma


Total First Time Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total Donors in FY24