Giving Week 2024 breaks all campaign records

Giving Week 2024. Thank you to the more than 9,000 generous donors who supported the University of South Florida!

April 25, 2024

The University of South Florida’s recent Giving Week was a phenomenal success, breaking all records set in previous years.

Alumni and friends came together to champion a wide variety of programs, from student scholarships to food pantry support. Of the record-setting 9,259 Giving Week donors, 1,408 gave to the university for the first time. The overall total included a 70% increase in alumni donors from the previous year.

The USF Foundation received more than $7 million during Giving Week, also a new university record.

“Our incredible community of alumni, friends, faculty and staff showed outstanding generosity during Giving Week, supporting our students and propelling our university to new heights,” said USF Foundation CEO Jay Stroman. “Their generosity and passion is what made this year’s Giving Week a resounding success, and we are so thankful for their unwavering commitment.”

By the end of Giving Week, donors fully funded many HerdFunder projects, crowdfunding initiatives where gifts of all sizes are pooled to support specific causes throughout the USF community. Seven of the funded initiatives were led by members of the USF Foundation Board of Directors. 

Board member and double USF alumna Dolores “Dee” Garcia provided a $25,000 challenge if the university surpassed a goal of 5,000 donors. When the challenge was realized, she made her gift to the university’s FUSE Scholarship, which supports eligible students who attend USF after earning an associate degree from a regional Florida College System institution. 

“I was excited to offer a FUSE Scholarships match because these scholarships support students all along their academic journey,” Garcia said.  “And I loved that there are matching funds to maximize the number of students being supported.

“I appreciated the financial and emotional support that I received while working full time and attending USF at night, so I try to pay it forward, offering support to the next generations of USF Bulls." 

Several HerdFunders received additional support from challenge gifts after donor goals were met. They include:

  • Jane and George Morgan to the USF Women's Lacrosse team
  • Rebecca Bast to the USF Women's Lacrosse team
  • Elizabeth Krystyn, ’87, to the Risk Management and Insurance Experiential Learning Fund
  • Steve Fessler, ’77, and Randy Lord to the College of The Arts
  • Kerry and Shawn Cerra to the SCATT (SunCoast Area Teacher Training Leadership) program
  • Dr. Anila Jain, ’81, to the SCATT program
  • Jill Notz, ’04, to the Women’s Initiatives Fund
  • Wendy Baker, USF World Campus Director at USF St. Petersburg, and her husband, Jason Hughes, to USF St. Petersburg
  • Dr. Panos Vasiloudes to the Melanoma Dermatology Research Fund
  • Michelle Turman, ’00, to the IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Research Fund
  • Dolores “Dee” Garcia, ’82 and MBA ’90, to USF Women in Leadership & Philanthropy

In total, donors supported 370 causes at the university during Giving Week. Many HerdFunder projects continue to accept donations. Supporters are encouraged to visit to learn more about these and many other ways to make an impact. 


Total Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Total First Time Donors in FY24