Aug. 9, 2013
That combination prompted Bill and Jeanne Heller to provide support for the Jeanne and Bill Heller Scholars’ Lounge at the USFSP Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, a continuation of 21 years of consistent giving to the university.
"The heart of any academic institution is the library and this library has really become a gathering place for students and the university community. They can study, read, work in groups or alone and have access to the latest technology. I just love to see the library buzzing. ... I know how much scholarships meant to me. And I know how much it means to students today trying to make ends meet.” – Dr. H. William "Bill" Heller
“I started going to libraries when I was six years old. Back then all you could do was read and borrow books. Nowadays you can do almost anything in a library.” – Jeanne Heller, retired elementary school librarian