USF Bulls Unite to Support Students

35 donors

70% of 50 Goal.

0 days left.

$2,140 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2021
Project Owner (s)

Student Need - now and in the future

Created in response to urgent student needs at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the USF United Support Fund is available to all USF students in times of unexpected financial hardship, whether the hardship is experienced today or in the future.  The fund provides awards for students who need help paying for essentials like food, toiletries, rent money and other basic essentials that are beyond their reach due to an unexpected change in their financial circumstances.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, over 2,000 applications were received and awards were distributed totaling over $320,000.  Even as the future of public health in the United States looks brighter, we know that students will still experience financial hardships due to situations beyond their control. The USF United Support Fund will be here to provide assistance as needed.

How You Can Help

In response to the needs of USF students, President Currall created the USF United Support Fund to enable all Bulls to unite in assistance of our students. Your gift, of any size, will be transformative to a young Bull struggling through an overwhelming time. Funds are available to students on all campuses - Tampa, St. Petersburg and Sarasota-Manatee. In their most challenging moments, our students need your help.  United, we thrive!

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Endowment Assets Through FY23


Total First Time Donors in FY23


FY 2022-23 Total Commitment