Support USF Female Student Athletes

60 donors

120% of 50 Goal.

0 days left.

$8,688 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2021
Project Champion (s)

The Project

USF Athletics believes in the power of sport in the lives of young women and in the experiences that prepare female student-athletes for success as an athlete and beyond. The goal of Stampede for Women is to raise awareness and empower female student-athletes to overcome challenges by gathering community support of USF Women's Athletics programs. USF female student-athletes need the resources to continue their success on the track, on the court, on the field, in the water and in life. Your gift supports ten women's sports programs and over 200 student-athletes within USF Athletics.

Who We Are

Stampede for Women was started to raise awareness and support, as well as empower, USF female student-athletes in their sport and beyond.

The Impact

Support from donors not only empowers fearless female student-athletes, but also provides resources for each of them to succeed at the highest level. Your gift, of any size, is an investment in supporting our female student-athletes through scholarship money, team building, foreign tour funds, and career development, which allows them to compete at the highest level. With your support we are competing for championships, developing leaders, breaking barriers and building a community around women's athletics!

What Your Gifts Will Do

Your gift supports ten women's sports programs and over 200 student-athletes within USF Athletics. Gifts to Stampede for Women support student-athlete scholarships, career development opportunities, team building and foreign tours.

Spread the Word

We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of the page.

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Make an impact and empower female student-athletes by supporting #StampedeforWomen during USF Giving Week. Uplift USF female student-athletes by making a gift of any size. Thank you for your support and Go Bulls! #HBDRocky #USFGives


*The above video includes footage recorded prior to the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the United States.

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FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Total First Time Donors in FY24


Total Donors in FY24