Support BLN Scholar Success

45 donors

90% of 50 Goal.

0 days left.

$2,476 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2021
Project Champion (s)

the project

BLN scholars have peer mentors within the program. Peer mentors help new scholars navigate their experience. In addition to peer-to-peer mentoring, scholars are paired with BLN donors and community partners who serve as guides through their academic and professional journey.

The staff, along with volunteers, create educational, engaging learning opportunities for scholars. After identifying students' needs through surveys, partnerships with the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement, Kinetic Employment Solutions and others help us develop programs and opportunities that will aid in their success.

The network has scholarships available for students across all three USF campuses, in all majors.

who we are

The Black Leadership Network (BLN) is a partnership-based group focused on enhancing the educational and leadership opportunities of USF African American students and African American student initiatives through numerous scholarships and programmatic initiatives throughout USF and in our communities.

Since its inception, BLN has created a familial environment to help scholars succeed. Through professional development workshops and monthly meetings, each recipient has the opportunity to gain skills vital to their success in and outside the classroom.

the impact

Contributing to BLN will relieve the financial burden of well-deserving African American students and give them the freedom to focus on achieving their collegiate, community and career goals. Your help will assist them in reaching their highest potential as they transform into tomorrow’s leaders. Now is the perfect time to provide financial support to enhance student success programs focused on personal and professional development.

what your gifts will do

Your partnership will help fund programs that focus on life skills, professional development and mentoring. A gift of any size will create a better student experience and an opportunity for growth in areas such as time management, mentorship establishment, public speaking and goal setting.

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We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of this page. 

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Total Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24