Leaders in Care: Port Tampa Bay SHIPP Program

5 donors

20% of 25 Goal.

0 days left.

$605 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2021
Project Champion (s)

the project

More than 37 million tons of cargo pass through Port Tampa Bay every year, much of it ending up on store shelves and in homes across the country. But what most people do not realize is the human cost connected to delivering the goods and products that power the world — an issue that our students will work to solve through this year’s featured Leaders in Care project, Port of Tampa: Supporting Health Infection Prevention Practices (SHIPP) Program.

The SHIPP program will be implemented over three years to support the economic recovery of Tampa from COVID-19 by identifying and mitigating environmental risks, promoting compliance with infection control (IC) standards, and ensuring a safer environment for port employees, customers and visitors.

who we are

For every cargo ship that makes its way to Tampa Bay, dozens of on-board workers, or seafarers, come with it. These workers are the hidden hands that are crucial to the world’s economy since more than 90 percent of global trade is carried at sea. While the labor these seafarers provide is vital, their health and well-being are often overlooked. Once docked, many times workers are not able to go ashore due to strict security and immigration concerns. Combine those hurdles with low wages and limited access to employer provided health care and seeing a health care professional may be impossible. Through the SHIPP program, our Bull Nurses get a view of the world outside of the textbook and medical center walls, while providing necessary on-site care to our vulnerable maritime community.

the impact

Your gift will not only positively impact these patients in need, but additionally will support the economic recovery of Tampa Bay by ensuring a safer environment for port employees, customers and visitors. You have the ability to enhance the education of the next wave of nursing and health care professionals, improving wellness and health outcomes today and in the future.

what your gifts will do

You can also double your impact and help innovate student success for Bull Nurses by making your gift today! Nursing alumna Dr. Janet Fansler MS ’88 and her husband, Richard Fansler M.Ed. ‘00, have generously offered to match all gifts up to $15,000, dollar for dollar, to the Leaders in Care program in 2020-2021.

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Bull Pride

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Green & Gold Loyal

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Training Kits

A gift of $25 will help provide Germ Powder Contamination Training Kits for our clinicians, as well as personal protective equipment such as hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, etc.

Necessary Care

A gift of $50 will help provide non-contact thermometers, necessary for care.

Program Support

A gift of $100 or more will ensure this incredible partnership program continues to thrive!

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FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Total Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24