Help a Bull Stay AFLOAT

27 donors

78% of 35 Goal.

0 days left.

$1,555 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2021
Project Champion (s)

the project

When you’re living on a shoestring and trying to complete your degree, small financial challenges can quickly turn into big obstacles. For some students, just having $100 to fix a broken car or $50 to buy groceries can mean the difference between staying in school and dropping out. We have seen this become even more prevalent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students have lost their jobs and not everyone is in a situation to receive financial support from families or their families are also experiencing financial challenges reducing financial support. While we work to support our students through the Support-A-Bull Market, counseling, and other support services, these financial burdens are a source of significant stress. Our students are facing challenges that are unexpected and overwhelming leading many to wonder if they will be able to overcome them.

who we are

The USF St. Petersburg campus created the Stay AFLOAT scholarship to give a financial boost to students who need a little help making it through the school year. This scholarship provides a financial resource to students to help them stay on track and earn their degree. Created in 2019, the Stay AFLOAT Scholarship has seen an increase in demand because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to this financial resource, students who are identified to receive funds are also evaluated to see if additional support is
necessary. That includes financial education and awareness in an effort to provide our student body with the tools and resources needed in order to instill financial literacy and to empower themselves with respect to their financial goals both during college and for a lifetime.

the impact

Your assistance is invaluable to our students who are facing barriers to continuing their education. With your gift, of any amount, we are able to uplift our students. Ensuring that our students have the resources available to them they need to succeed, especially in unexpected and challenging times, is a true community effort. It is not just the scholarship made available through this fund that students receive that matters, it is also the knowledge that there is truly a community that cares about and supports their success. Thank you for being a part of our community.

what your gifts will do

Your gifts of any amount to the Stay AFLOAT Scholarship will help the USF St. Petersburg campus ensure that there are resources available for students who need a boost in order to stay in school. Your generous contribution can make a huge impact on students’ lives and improve their chances for future success.

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Total Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Endowment Assets Through FY24