Harrell Center for the Study of Domestic Violence

4 donors

16% of 25 Goal.

0 days left.

$95 raised

Project ended on April 10, 2021
Project Champion (s)

the project

The mission of the Harrell Center for the Study of Family Violence is to develop and integrate scientific knowledge with best practices in order to strengthen community responses to family violence. The Harrell Center serves as an intermediary between research and practice.

who we are

The Harrell Center was created through a private endowment by the Harrell Family. Located at the University of South Florida College of Public Health, the Center’s researchers conduct and translate research into usable information for practitioners, provide education and training, and serve as a resource and advocacy center for the public and professionals. As a Center, education is provided for students and involves an interdisciplinary faculty from public health, education, injury prevention, social work, criminology, psychology and other fields. Through the Center, the faculty engage with community organizations seeking technical assistance, evaluation and training as part of academic-community partnerships.

the impact

The USF Harrell Center addresses a wide range of risks and protective factors for injury and violence prevention, which have spanned violence against women and children, adverse childhood experiences and resilience, youth violence prevention, gun violence and other forms of community violence. Your support will make it possible that this critical Center continues serving as an exemplary intermediary between academia and practice to address intimate partner abuse, child maltreatment, elder abuse and other forms of interpersonal violence. Some of our community partners include the Hillsborough County Domestic Violence Task Force, which includes the Spring of Tampa Bay, the Tampa Bay Crisis Center, Child Welfare Agencies, law enforcement, victim advocates, batterer intervention programs and others. The Center faculty are also part of domestic violence fatality reviews and advocate for the elimination of family violence in diverse events (i.e. Teen Dating Violence Prevention, Domestic Violence training for healthcare professions and other social service organizations).

what your gifts will do

Center projects have addressed a wide range of risks and protective factors for injury and violence prevention, which have spanned violence against women and children, adverse childhood experiences and resilience, youth violence prevention, gun violence, and other forms of community violence. Your support will make it possible that this critical Center continues serving as an exemplary intermediary between academia and practice to address intimate partner abuse, child maltreatment, elder abuse, and other forms of interpersonal violence.

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The above video includes footage recorded prior to the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the United States.

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FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24