Support-A-Bull Market at USFSP

$1,640 raised

55% of $3,000 Goal.

0 days left.

39 donors

Project ended on December 17, 2019
Project Champion (s)

The Project

The Support-A-Bull Market has a mission to provide emergency food assistance to students facing food insecurity. According to the 2018 Hunger on Campus Report from the National Student Campaign Against Hunger & Homelessness, one in four students will face food insecurity and of those that did, approximately 25% of students reported they dropped a course because of hunger-related stress. USFSP believes that no student should have to give up their educational pursuits because they have to choose between buying a textbook or buying groceries. USFSP Support-A-Bull Market has partnered with Religious Community Services (RCS) Pinellas to assist in stocking our pantry. As of this October, we are thankful that more than 500 pounds of food has been donated to the Support-A-Bull Market. 

What We Do 

Support-A-Bull strives to alleviate food hardship and hunger among USFSP students. In addition to supplemental food assistance, Support-A-Bull aims to educate students who seek out the market's support with other resources. We offer catering support to students in selecting their items to eat, guidance in completing local social service applications such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and assist in connecting them with on-campus resources for more salient and specified support.

Why We Believe in Supporting Bulls

We know that hunger-related stress can be connected to financial strain, emotional turmoil and difficulty acquiring basic needs such as housing, hygiene and social connectedness. This cascading stress can, as studies show, impact the academic and emotional well-being of college students. Help us support a Bull! 

Your Impact

With your contribution today, we can increase the impact that the Support-A-Bull Market has on our students. Currently, our hours are limited, but your gift will help us to extend our hours of operation. We are also expanding beyond offering food for our students! Your gift makes it possible for us to acquire additional items for our pantry: toothpaste, toothbrushes and other personal products. If students have to decide if they can afford to purchase food items, they also have those same challenges in purchasing daily hygiene items.

Our market hopes to purchase a refrigerator to expand our healthy options to include fresh loaves of bread, fruits and vegetables and both dairy and non-dairy products. These offerings will provide greater nutritional availability to our students. 

spread the Word

We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of the page. Thank you for providing food and other important items to our students through the Support-A-Bull Market! 

Latest Updates

Choose a giving level

Smiling Faces

By making a gift of $10, you are providing four students in need with toothpaste.

Full Plate

By making a gift of $25, you are providing enough food for 12 students in need.

Meeting Needs

With your gift of $50, you are helping us keep the market open for up to five additional hours for our students.

Game Changer

Your gift of $100 will help us achieve our goal of purchasing a refrigerator to provide healthy options such as fresh loaves of bread, fruits and vegetables and both dairy and non-dairy products for students in need.

Choose an amount

Gifts of any size make an impact! Enter your custom gift amount.


Total First Time Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Endowment Assets Through FY24