Miguel Martinez Jr. Memorial Scholarship

$26,222 raised

132% of $20,000 Goal.

0 days left.

159 donors

Project ended on June 16, 2021
Project Champion (s)

The Project

Miguel Martinez Jr. was born on January 14, 1993, in Tampa, Florida. Miguel was a first generation Mexican American and the oldest of eight children. When he was fourteen years old, Miguel lost his father to cancer, and he was forced to begin work as a farmworker to help support his family. Despite the absence of his father and the financial strains this placed on his family, Miguel always applied himself to his studies, remembering his father’s wish for him to pursue a college education.

In August 2011, Miguel began his first year of college at the University of South Florida. As a student Miguel left his mark on  campus as the founder of Members Empowering True Awareness (META), and through his participation in the Mexican American Student Organization, Bulls Service Breaks, Stampede of Service and the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP). Nevertheless, Miguel’s biggest impact was perhaps on his friends. Miguel exemplified the ideals of loyalty and humbleness and embodied the meaning of true friendship, for all those who were lucky enough to call him a friend.

During his time at USF, Miguel discovered his passion for the field of nursing, and in May 2016 he graduated with his bachelor's degree in nursing. After graduation Miguel worked as a Registered Nurse for two years at HealthPark Medical Center before moving on to a position at the pediatric intensive care unit at Golisano Children’s Hospital. As a nurse Miguel distinguished himself with his caring personality, strong work ethic and solidarity with his patients and co-workers alike.

Miguel passed away on July 27, 2020. He left behind a legacy of service and kindness that continues to inspire his friends and family today.

Who We Are

We are a group of friends who were blessed beyond measure with the gift of Miguel's friendship in our lives. Although we all met Miguel at different points in our lives, we had the fortune of sharing countless memories with him and were all equally inspired by his story.

The Impact

This scholarship will commemorate Miguel’s life and passion for helping others. We hope to honor the person that he was and all the qualities that allowed him to have a lasting impact in so many lives.

What Your Gifts Will Do

Miguel loved the USF community and the opportunities that it provided him. Through this scholarship we hope to finance students, like Miguel, who are overcoming various social and economic barriers, in their pursuit of a career in nursing.

Spread the Word

We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of the page.

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Make an impact and support the #miguelmartinezjrscholarship at USF by making a gift of any size. Thank you for your support. GO BULLS!


El Proyecto

Miguel Martinez nació el 14 de Enero de 1993 en Tampa, Florida; Miguel fue primera generación Mexicano Americano y el mayor de ocho hijos. Cuando tenía catorce años, su padre murió de cáncer y se vió obligado a trabajar en el campo para ayudar al sustento de su familia; A pesar de la ausencia de su padre y de las dificultades económicas que tenían, Miguel se propuso a lograr su título universitario, recordando siempre que ese era el deseo de su padre.  

En Agosto del 2011, Miguel empezó su primer año en la Universidad del Sur de la Florida (USF).  Como estudiante, Miguel dejó su huella en la ciudad universitaria como fundador de Members Empowering True Awareness (META) y como miembro activo de The Mexican American Student Association (MASA), Bulls Service Breaks, Stampede of Service, y el College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP).   No obstante, el mayor impacto de su vida lo dejó en sus amigos: Miguel nos dejó un ejemplo de lealtad y humildad, encarnando así el verdadero significado de la palabra amistad para todos aquellos que tuvimos la suerte de llamarlo amigo. 

Durante su tiempo en USF, Miguel descubrió su pasión por la enfermería y en Mayo del 2016, obtuvo su título universitario como enfermero registrado.  Después de graduarse, Miguel trabajó por dos años en HealthPark Medical Center, y después como enfermero de la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátrica en Golisano Childrens Hospital.  Como enfermero, Miguel se distinguió por su amabilidad, ética y solidaridad con sus pacientes y compañeros de trabajo. 

Miguel falleció el 27 de Julio del 2020.  Nos ha dejado un legado de servicio y compasión que nos sirve de inspiración a amigos y familiares.   

Quienes Somos Nosotros

Nosotros somos un grupo de amigos que fuimos bendecidos, y afortunados de haber tenido el regalo de su amistad en nuestras vidas.  Aunque cada uno de nosotros lo conocimos en diferentes etapas de nuestras vidas, todos tuvimos la fortuna de compartir incalculables memorias con él, y nos sentimos igualmente inspirados por su historia.

El Impacto

Esta beca de estudio conmemorará  la vida de Miguel y su pasión por ayudar a otros.  Nosotros esperamos honrar su memoria y resaltar toda su calidad humana.

En Que Ayuda Su Donación

Miguel amaba la Universidad del Sur de la Florida, y las oportunidades que esta entidad le brindó; a través de esta beca de estudio, nosotros esperamos ayudar económicamente a estudiantes como Miguel que están tratando de sobrepasar barreras de tipo social y económico en virtud de lograr la culminación de sus estudios y ser enfermeros profesionales.  

Propague Esta Información

¡Nosotros contamos con su ayuda! Podemos lograr un impacto mayor si compartimos y apoyamos esta campaña a través de las redes sociales usando las herramientas ubicadas en la parte de arriba de la página. 

Latest Updates

Be Better

Veronica Valencia Victoria, Mar 1, 2021

Today, the Tampa Bay Times ran a feature on Miguel's life and path from farm work to nursing, and how he inspired his friends and family.  See the full article here.  We are thankful to Kristen Hare for sharing the story of Miguel's quest to be better.

In the News

Veronica Valencia Victoria, Feb 19, 2021

Today, ABC Action News did a feature on our scholarship fundraising efforts in Miguel's memory. Click here to see more information. We are very appreciative to Erik Waxler for sharing Miguel's story with the Tampa Bay community.

Featured Update

Matching Opportunity

Lee Health will match all gifts received, starting May 14, 2021, up to a maximum $6,500! Your $1 becomes $2 and you double the resources for students like Miguel.

- May 14, 2021

Choose a giving level


I'd like to support USF nursing students in need with a gift of $10.


I'd like to support USF nursing students in need with a gift of $25.


I'd like to support USF nursing students in need with a gift of $50.


I'd like to support USF nursing students in need with a gift of $100.


I'd like to support USF nursing students in need with a gift of $200.


I'd like to support USF nursing students in need with a gift of $500.

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Endowment Assets Through FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Total Donors in FY24