Feed-A-Bull Food Pantry

Feed-A-Bull Food Pantry

$9,961 raised

285% of $3,500 Goal.

0 days left.

89 donors

Project ended on September 16, 2016
Project Champion (s)

Feed-A-Bull Food Pantry

By providing emergency food assistance, Feed-A-Bull works to make sure that USF students do not have to choose bewteen buying textbooks and buying groceries, and ensure that no USF student goes hungry.

  • Feed-A-Bull is a campus food pantry initiative spearheaded by Center for Student Well-Being, the Office of Student Outreach and Support (SOS) and Feeding America Tampa Bay.
  • Feed-A-Bull is available for enrolled USF students on the USF Tampa campus. It was created to address food insecurity by providing supplemental food to students in need, as well as education and resources to students related to purchasing and preparing balanced food on a budget.
  • Feed-A-Bull strives to alleviate food hardship and hunger among USF students by providing supplemental food, nutrition education and resources to students in need, in order to promote student success and retention.

Because no student should go hungry.

Feed-A-Bull was created as a response to the recognition that some USF students may face food insecurity while attending college and supplemental food assistance may assist in allowing USF students to focus on their studies.

By providing emergency food assistance, Feed-A-Bull works to make sure that USF students do not have to choose between buying textbooks and buying groceries, and ensure that no USF student goes hungry.

Your contributions will go directly towards stocking the Feed-A-Bull food pantry to feed students in need. Every gift counts!

Latest Updates

In the News

Katie Jones, Aug 25, 2016

This morning, Fox News 13 did a feature on the Feed-a-Bull Food Pantry. Click here to learn more about the pantry and the needs we have for our student body. We are very appreciative to news anchor, Walter Allen, for shedding light on the fight against hunger here at USF in his Extraordinary Ordinaries series.

Questions About Food Donations

Katie Jones, Aug 11, 2016

We’re excited to kick off this campaign to prepare for the fall semester! We’ve had quite a few inquiries about providing food donations to Feed-A-Bull.

We have limited space and unfortunately do not have the capacity to store excess food donations. Monetary donations made through this campaign will go directly towards purchasing items to support the immediate needs of hungry students. This includes but is not limited to helping provide perishable items such as fresh fruit, bread etc.

For those who prefer to give food donations, we accept all non-perishable food. Items in high demand are canned fruit, soup and breakfast items. Donations can be dropped off at Feed-A-Bull in the Student Outreach and Support Office (SOS), SVC 2058.

Thank you so much for your support!

Choose a giving level

Feed 5 Students

By making a gift of $10, you are providing 50 lbs. of food to five needy and hungry students.

Feed 15 Students

By making a gift of $25, you are providing 150 lbs. of food to needy and hungry students.

Feed 40 Students

By making a gift of $75, you are providing 400 lbs. of food to 40 needy and hungry students.

Choose an amount

Gifts of any size make an impact! Enter your custom gift amount.


Total Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24