Parent and Family Giving: Join the Herd!

28 donors

112% of 25 Goal.

0 days left.

$4,455 raised

Project ended on April 14, 2024
Project Champion (s)

Who We Are

Parent and Family Giving provides an opportunity for USF parents and families to engage with the university by supporting both their students and the broader USF student community. For those seeking deeper engagement with USF and the opportunity to make an even greater impact, we encourage participation in the Parent and Family Leadership Council. Members of the leadership council prioritize and recommend how Parent and Family Giving funds are distributed across the university.

What We Do

Parent and Family Giving works to increase available resources for more than 50,000 students on all three of our campuses. Every facet of student life benefits from the generosity of Parent and Family Giving. This type of giving increases resources that ensure academic success, promote professional development, support health and wellness and enrich the USF student experience.

Your Impact

Parent and Family Giving works to increase available resources for students on all three of our campuses by supporting academics, programs and activities, health and wellness initiatives and volunteer opportunities. By making a gift of any size, you are making a difference in the lives of our students.

Donors who give $1,500 or more are invited to become members of the Parent and Family Leadership Council. Members of the leadership council have opportunities to recommend how program funds are distributed across the university, socialize with fellow parents and family members and receive special invitations throughout the year.

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site, or complete this payroll deduction form (enter fund #670001, Parent and Family Giving Fund) and email it to fscampaign@usf.edu.

What Your Generosity Will Do

A gift of any size to Parent and Family Giving provides direct support to over 50,000 USF students. These gifts will enhance programming and activities for our students while also ensuring opportunities for them to be challenged academically at our preeminent research university. Your gift will enrich the USF student experience and strengthen our Bulls family! THANK YOU!

Spread the Word

We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of this page.

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Join me in making an impact and helping our students reach their full potential at usf.to/parentsfamily with a gift of any size. Thank you and GO BULLS!! 🤘

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Your generosity expands our reach and turns dreams into realities.


Parent and Family Leadership Council Membership.

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Total Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Endowment Assets Through FY24