BRIDGE Healthcare Clinic

8 donors

27% of 30 Goal.

0 days left.

$1,000 raised

Project ended on April 14, 2024
Project Owner (s)

Who We Are

The BRIDGE Healthcare Clinic, established in 2007 by passionate USF medical students, is a beacon of hope in the Tampa Bay community. As a student-run free clinic, our mission is to bridge the gap in health-care access for our local under-served communities. We're dedicated to providing compassionate care to those in need, supported by a multidisciplinary team of medicine, social work, physical therapy, pharmacy and public health experts. We firmly believe in the mantra: a healthy community is a prosperous one.

What We Do

At BRIDGE, we focus on serving Tampa residents living below the 200% poverty threshold. Our clinic is a lifeline, offering primary care, specialty services, social work, public health and physical therapy to those who need it most. The generous support of our donors is crucial, helping us cater to a diverse and under-served patient population.

Your Impact

Thanks to over 70 physicians, numerous Morsani College of Medicine students and volunteers from the USF Health College of Public Health, Taneja College of Pharmacy and School of Physical Therapy, we annually treat more than 1,100 patients. Your support fuels this collective endeavor, allowing us to offer exceptional care without cost and continually expand our reach and services.

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site or complete this payroll deduction form (enter fund #310022, BRIDGE Clinic Operating Fund) and email it to

What Your Generosity Will Do

Your donations empower us to provide essential health-care services like free medication, vaccines and health screenings. They also enable practical learning experiences for USF Health students and help us broaden our patient base and services. Without The BRIDGE Clinic, most of our patients would have difficulty accessing health care. Your gifts allow us to continue providing top-of-the-line care and services while expanding programs and taking on new patients. Thank you for helping us help others.


BRIDGE Clinic would like to acknowledge our faculty advisors: Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez, Dr. Lucy Guerra and Dr. John Petrilli. Their wonderful mentorship, leadership, and dual passion for teaching and patient care inspire the next generation of physicians to always serve and advocate for the underserved.

Spread the Word

We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of this page.

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Join me in supporting our USF Health BRIDGE clinic at Your donation, big or small, sustains free care for under-served communities! Thank you and go Bulls! 🤘

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Your gift supports the administration of vaccines to safeguard vulnerable populations.


Your gift contributes to health screenings, promoting early detection and prevention of diseases.


Your gift empowers practical learning experiences for USF Health students, fostering the development of future healthcare professionals.


Your generosity helps sustain top-of-the-line care and services, ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment.


Your large contribution plays a crucial role in the continuous expansion of programs, reaching more individuals in need.

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Total Donors in FY23


Total First Time Donors in FY23


FY 2022-23 Total Commitment