Stay Curious with OLLI-USF!

1 donors

5% of 20 Goal.

0 days left.

$10 raised

Project ended on April 15, 2023
Project Champion (s)

Who We Are

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at USF (OLLI-USF) is a member-based learning community of adults aged 50+. We offer classes, workshops, lectures, events and social networking. We provide high-quality, low-cost learning opportunities for seasoned adults across West Central Florida. 

Our mission is to provide intellectual stimulation, social interaction, service opportunities and outreach to the university and the greater community. 

It is our vision to be a world-class learning community, accessible to and meeting the needs of a diverse and growing population of older adults. 

We value:
• Supportive peer-group interaction
• Life experience
• Lifelong intellectual stimulation and growth 
• Physical activity
• Social engagement
• Creative expression
• The joy of learning
• An inclusive attitude 

There are no grades, no tests and no pressure in OLLI. We welcome every adult learner regardless of their previous college experience.

What We Do

We took a major pivot with the pandemic, from exclusively face-to-face to mostly online classes, lectures and other programs. Now we are facing a future where we will need to do both face-to-face and online classes. We are seeking help with the training and equipment we will need to move into the next phase of operations: more hybrid classes and more face-to-face classes. 

Your Impact

Members have often told us this program was a lifesaver for them. It allows older adults to contribute their knowledge, skills and expertise, while also helping them find purpose and dignity. Your gift will help us transition OLLI-USF into its next phase of operations. We now have members from several different states and even another country! It will allow us to have access to the technology that will keep us connected regardless of location, age or ability. 

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site, or complete this payroll deduction form (fund #640004, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) and email it to fscampaign@usf.edu.

What Your Generosity Will Do

Your gift will support the purchasing of portable personal microphones to assist instructors in hybrid classes. They will not be tied to a podium or handheld microphone which does not give reliable sound and allow for instructor movement. Your generosity will also help to purchase cameras, speakers and projection systems for at least one classroom. 


Thank you! We are so grateful for your show of support!

Spread the Word

We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of this page.

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Join me in making an impact and supporting our USF Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at usf.to/gwolli with a gift of any size. Thank you and GO BULLS!


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Total Donors in FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment