Judy Genshaft Honors College Community Garden

Judy Genshaft Honors College Community Garden

76 donors

102% of 75 Goal.

0 days left.

$1,652 raised

Project ended on April 15, 2023
Project Champion (s)

Who We Are

The Judy Genshaft Honors College (JGHC) Community Garden is a combined space for service and experiential learning. Founded by Megan Stowe, the garden planted its roots here at USF and was nurtured by student involvement. With the garden as the classroom, students are led by Kobe Phillips and Dora Rodriguez in the connected Honors course, Rooted in Place: JGHC Community Garden Service-Learning Course. Students have a hands-on approach to learning how to cultivate the land from seed to plate.

Beyond the JGHC, the garden partners with Religious Studies, the USF Agrarian Club, WellFed Community, Delta Tau Delta and the USF Urban Food Sovereignty Group.

What We Do

The JGHC Community Garden is looking to expand our community space to provide more student learning opportunities and increase the variety of produce we are able to donate to the USF Feed-a-Bull Pantry. We are planning to build a new greenhouse, student-designed vegetable plots and fruit plots, and replenish our pollinator garden. From wood and nails to seeds and dirt – your donations help us in countless ways to make our project thrive!

Your Impact

The food grown in the JGHC Community Garden is donated to the USF Feed-A-Bull Food Pantry and Feeding Tampa Bay. The project will allow us to create a larger impact on our community by not only expanding food donations but also providing opportunities for our students to become environmental stewards.

"Metamorphosis is a concept we tend to associate with bugs, yet, in the Honors Community Garden, I grew wings," Kobe says, "My experiences in the community garden transformed my perception of my relationship with food and brought me back to my roots."

With all its benefits — food sovereignty, sustainability, education, nutrition lessons, leadership opportunities and more — the garden continues to fulfill the mission Stowe outlined at the start: build a community that connects the students.

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site, or complete this payroll deduction form (fund #170024, Judy Genshaft Honors College Dean’s Strategic Fund for Excellence) and email it to fscampaign@usf.edu.

What Your Generosity Will Do

Your gifts will help provide students with gardening equipment like shovels, gloves, watering cans, pots, an irrigation system, seeds, plants and building materials. Moreover, with enough donations, we can build a greenhouse and storage shed for all our equipment, seeds and supplies!


Thank you for keeping us growing! You are not just supporting the garden, but the students who work diligently to impact their community.

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Total Donors in FY24


FY 2023-24 Total Commitment


Total First Time Donors in FY24