College of Arts and Sciences Experiential Education

9 donors

36% of 25 Goal.

0 days left.

$184 raised

Project ended on April 15, 2023
Project Champion (s)

Who We Are

The College of Arts and Sciences is the intellectual heart of the University of South Florida. We are a community of teachers and scholars who remain dedicated to creating an environment of learning, discovery and innovation that prepares students to address complex social and scientific problems and enhance the quality of life for people and communities.

What We Do

The College of Arts and Sciences’ interdisciplinary approach to education affords students a multitude of opportunities to take their academic and career pursuits to new heights. One of these opportunities is participation in the Education Abroad program. The CAS Education Abroad program can be one of the most rewarding experiences in a student's academic career. Each engages in experiential learning, which allows students to gain a global understanding of the field they are interested in, participate in USF faculty-led programs, USF exchange or simply an opportunity to explore other areas of interest.

Oftentimes, these experiences are just out of reach for many students who may not be in a financial position to enroll in one of these programs.

With your support, our goal is to provide CAS students the funds they need, when they need them, so they can take advantage of the unique undergraduate research, volunteering, job shadowing or internship opportunities available to help gain relevant knowledge and skills in a field of study in a global setting.

Your Impact

Students’ ability to engage in career readiness opportunities and develop their global competency sits at the core of the college’s mission — the belief that broadly educated people are the basis of a just, free and prosperous society.

By supporting the USF College of Arts and Sciences Student Success Fund, you can make a life-changing difference in the lives of our students. With your help, we can provide access to experiential learning that prepares students for productive personal and professional lives as global citizens.

USF Faculty and Staff: You can give online through this site, or complete this payroll deduction form (fund #420207, USF College of Arts & Sciences Student Success Fund) and email it to fscampaign@usf.edu.

What Your Generosity Will Do

Students currently facing financial burdens that make participating in Education Abroad unattainable will have access to financial assistance and additional scholarship opportunities, enabling them to continue pursuing their course of study in a global setting.

As a donor to the College of Arts and Sciences, you make these and other opportunities possible for our community of teachers, learners and problem solvers. Your gifts are a true testament to your belief in USF’s commitment to excellence and student success.


Thank you for your generous support and nourishment of CAS students! 

Spread the Word

We are counting on your help! Make an even bigger impact by sharing your support of this campaign using the social media tools at the top of this page.

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Join me in making an impact and supporting our College of Arts and Sciences students at usf.to/cas with a gift of any size.

Thank you and GO BULLS! #StudentSuccess

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Choose a giving level

Essential Support

A gift of $25, combined with others, will provide essential support for our students.

Coursework Material

A gift of $50 can supply students with digital coursework material for the academic semester.

Student Wellness

A gift of $100 can help students eliminate registration holds due to unpaid fees or provide wellness support through counseling sessions.

Student Development

A gift of $500 can provide students with opportunities to develop, create, and present their own original research at a conference.

Student Scholarship

A gift of $1,000 can provide study abroad scholarship support for students with the greatest financial need.

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Gifts of any size make an impact! Enter your custom gift amount.


Total Donors in FY24


Total First Time Donors in FY24


Endowment Assets Through FY24